Representatives of the citizen forum met the
president of the Pradeshiya Sabha at his office in Town and Gravest,
Trincomalee on 29th of May 2014. The president of Citizen Forum and
some members as well as district coordinator and program coordinator took part
to the meeting. The representatives discussed about the progress of
implementing the proposals which were handed over the annual budget of the
Pradeshiya sabha for 2014.
The citizen forum organized a meeting to hand over
the people’s proposal for the budget of 2014. This was a follow up meeting with
the president of Pradeshiya Sabha. He explained the existing situation of
implementing the budget proposals. The citizen forum handed over another petition
related to some infrastructure building in Mahamayapura. The president of PS
encouraged the citizen forum to visit the
Pradeshiya Sabha on people’s issues every month. He agreed to give
priority for the proposals we concerned of preparing the annual budget.
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